Karate Terminology

The following list is non exhaustive, but presents the most used terms in class.

  • Counting
Ichi One
Ni Two
San Three
Shi Four
Go Five
Roku Six
Shichi Seven
Hachi Eight
Ku Nine
Ju Ten
  • Uke Waza
Blocking Techniques
Age Uke Rising Block
Gedan Barai Downward Block
Shuto Uke Sword Hand Block
Soto Uke Outside Inward Forearm Block
Uchi Uke Inside Outward Forearm Block
Hiji Uke Elbow Block
Juji Uke X Block
Kakiwake Uke Reverse Wedge Block
Morote Uke Augmented Forearm Block
Nagashi Uke Sweeping Block
Osae Uke Pressing Block
Teisho Uke Palm Heel Block
Kake Uke

(Tekubi Kake Uke)

Hook Block

Hooking Wrist Block

Tate Uke Vertical Block
Haishu Uke Back hand Block
  • Zuki Waza
Punching Techniques
Choku Zuki Straight Punch
Oi Zuki Lunge Punch
Gyaku Zuki Reverse Punch
Kizami Zuki Jabbing Punch
Age Zuki Rising Punch
Tate Zuki Vertical Punch
Ura Zuki Close Punch (uppercut)
Morote Zuki Parallel Punch
Kagi Zuki Horizontal Hook Punch
Mawashi Zuki Roundhouse Punch
Yama Zuki Wide U Punch
Awaze Zuki U Punch
Hasami Zuki Scissor Punch
  • Geri Waza
Kicking techniques
Mae Geri Front Kick
Mawashi Geri Roundhouse Kick
Yoko Geri Keage Side Snap Kick
Yoko Geri Kekomi Side Thrust Kick
Ushiro Geri Back Kick
Ushiro Mawashi Geri Spinning Back Roundhouse Kick
Fumikomi Stamping Kick
Nidan (Ren) Geri Two front kicks
Kakato Geri Heel Kick
Mikazuki Geri Crescent Kick
Hiza Geri Knee Kick
Mae Tobi Geri Front Jump Kick (Back Leg First)
Yoko Tobi Geri Side Jump Kick
Nami Gaeshi Returning Wave Kick
  • Uchi Wasa
Striking Techniques
Empi Uchi

(Also called Hiji Ate)

Elbow Strike
Haito Uchi Ridge Hand Strike
Kentsui (Tetsui) Uchi Hammerfist Strike
Shuto Uchi Sword Hand Strike
Uraken Uchi Backfist Strike
Tate Empi Uchi Upward Elbow Strike
Mawashi Empi Uchi Roundhouse Elbow Strike
Ushiro Empi Uchi Back Elbow Strike
Yoko Empi Uchi Side Elbow Strike
 Otoshi Empi Uchi  Downward Elbow Strike
Teisho Uchi Palm Heel Strike
Uraken Uchi Back Fist Strike
Haishu Uchi Back Hand Strike
  • Dachi
Zenkutsu Dachi Front Stance
Kiba Dachi Straddle Leg Stance
Kokutsu Dachi Back Stance
Fudo/Sochin Dachi Rooted Stance
Heisoku Dachi Attention Stance (Feet Together)
Musubi Dachi Attention Stance (Toes Out)
Heiko Dachi Parallel Stance
Hachiji Dachi (Yoi) Open Leg Stance (Natural Nosition)
Uchi Hachiji Dachi Inverted Open Leg Stance
Hangetsu Dachi Half Moon Stance
Kosa Dachi Cross Leg Stance
Neko Ashi Dachi Cat Leg Stance
Sanchin Dachi Hour Glass Stance
Renoji Dachi L-Stance
Shiko Dachi Square Stance
Teiji Dachi T-Stance
  • Kumite
Go-hon Kumite 5 step sparring
San-bon Kumite 3 step sparring
Kihon-ippon Kumite Basic 1 step sparring
Kaeshi – ippon Return 1 step sparring
Jiyu-ippon Kumite Semi-freestype one-blow
Okuri Jiyu-ippon Kumite 2 step semi freestyle sparring
Jiyu Kumite Free style sparring
  • Other Terminology
Ashi barai Foot sweep
Karate gi Karate uniform
Dojo Taining room
Dojo kun Dojo rules
Embusen Performance line
Gasshuku Seminar
Gedan Lower level
Gedan barai Lower level sweep
Gyaku hanmi Reverse half front facing
Hanmi Half front facing
Hidari Left
Hiki te Pulling hand
Hiza Knee
Jodan Upper level
Kakato Heel
Kamaete Go into position
Karate-ka Karate practitioner
Kata Forms
Ken Fist
Kiai Shout of spirit
Kihon Basic training
Kime Focus, finish
Kohai Junior
Koshi Ball of foot
Kuro Obi Black Belt
Maai Distance
Mae Forward
Makiwara Punching board
Mawatte Turn
Migi Right
Mokuso Meditation
Morote Two handed
Mudansha Group of Student without a Dan (Colour Belts)
Naore Return to starting position
Naote Relax
Nukite Spear hand
Obi Belt
Otagai ni rei Bow to each other
Rei Bow
Seiken Fore fist
Seiza Sit straight (on heels)
Sempai Senior
Sensei Teacher, instructor
Sensei ni rei Bow to the Teacher
Shizentai Natural position
Shomen ni rei Bow to front
Sokuto Foot edge
Tate Vertical
Te Hand
Teisho Palm heel
Uraken Back fist
Ushiro Backward
Waza Technique
Yame Stop
Yoi Ready, prepare
Yoko Sideways
Yudansha Group of owner of a Dan (Black Belts)
Zanshin Remaining spirit